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在黑人历史月, we uplift service and community connection with our students - and each other

的 month of February has been dedicated as African American History month. I traditionally use the beginning of the year to reflect on the past and renew plans for the future. I have taken some time to reflect on my new role as Equity Director and what equity truly means. 每年对马丁·路德·金来说. 一天, I make it a practice to teach my four children a little more about our family legacy and about those who have walked the path before us. 他们永远不会知道这些伟大的人,也不会知道他们牺牲了什么, 所以他们可以拥有现在所拥有的特权, 除非我把他们的历史告诉我的孩子.  

今年,我也在权衡菠菜导航网这个世界的现状. 我思考的问题是, 菠菜导航网过去的伟大领袖会做什么, 马丁·路德·金.,哈丽特·塔布曼,马尔科姆,加维,W.E.B., Rosa Parks, Frederick, and so many more, think of the world as we have created it? 他们会满足于菠菜导航网所取得的微小成果吗?  

I am fairly sure they would ask for all of us to do more, to do better. 事实是,菠菜导航网正在进行许多相同的斗争. 菠菜导航网仍然没有展示和生活人性意味着什么, 给饥饿的人饭吃,给贫穷的人衣服穿. To help out our fellow neighbors in times of need, so that we all may rise to greatness. Recent events in America and around the world have highlighted the systemic oppression and injustices that humanity continues to inflict upon their fellow men, 女性, 和孩子.  

菠菜导航网每个人都在反思自己的过去, it is important to center the powerful messages of service and community connections, 菠菜导航网伟大的领袖给予了菠菜导航网, 建立民事责任. 的y believed that true change begins with individuals who are committed to serving their communities and working towards a more just and equitable society. 

在教室里, we have the unique opportunity to instill in our students the values of service and the importance of community connections. 通过参与服务学习项目, 菠菜导航网可以帮助学生培养同理心, 同情, 以及对他人的责任. 的se experiences not only benefit the communities they serve but also empower our students to become active and engaged citizens. 

It is essential to acknowledge the historical and present-day contributions of BIPOC educators who have played a significant role in shaping education and advocating for social change. 的ir experiences and perspectives enrich our classrooms and provide valuable insights into the struggles and triumphs of marginalized communities. 

鉴于最近发生的事情, it is important to engage in open and honest conversations with our students, 家庭, 还有菠菜导航网的朋友, 菠菜导航网种族歧视, 歧视, 以及社会公正. 通过创造一个安全的对话空间, 菠菜导航网可以帮助学生培养同理心, 理解, 并致力于消除系统性压迫. 通过将这些资源整合到你的教学中, 在你与家人和朋友的谈话中, we can inspire our community to become active participants in developing a sense of civil responsibility. 让菠菜导航网一起继续向霍金博士致敬. King's legacy by fostering a culture of 同情ate and engaged humans. 

To truly honor African American History let us use this month as an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to social justice and work towards a future where all of humanity has earned the human right to be treated with dignity and respect. 

To support your efforts in teaching about service and community connections, 以下是一些值得探索的在线资源: 
  • 俄勒冈教育协会(OEA) - Find resources and highlights educators of color who are making a difference in our community and teaching social justice and equity in their classrooms and communities.

  •  国家和社区服务公司(CNCS) - 的 CNCS provides a wide range of resources and toolkits for educators to incorporate service-learning into their curriculum. 他们的网站提供课程计划, 项目的想法, and research on the impact of service-learning on student outcomes.

  • 美国青年服务社(YSA) - YSA is a global organization that promotes youth service and empowers young people to make a positive difference in their communities. 他们的网站提供各种各样的资源, 包括服务项目的想法, 奖助金, 为教育工作者提供培训机会.

  • Edutopia - Edutopia is a website dedicated to sharing innovative educator practices. 他们收藏了一些物品, 视频, and lesson plans that emphasize the importance of service-learning and community connections.

  • 为正义而学习 -本网站提供广泛的资源, 包括教案, 文章, 专业发展机会, 帮助教育工作者解决种族问题, 多样性, 以及社会公正.

  • 反思学校 - 反思学校 provides resources and publications that focus on social justice education. 的ir materials offer insights into teaching about race, equity, and activism.

  • Zinn教育项目 - 的 Zinn教育项目 provides educator materials and resources inspired by the work of historian and activist Howard Zinn. 的ir resources aim to promote critical thinking and a deeper 理解 of social issues.

  • 国家非裔美国人历史和文化博物馆 -博物馆的网站提供教育资源, 包括课程计划和在线展览, 探索非裔美国人的历史和贡献.


OEA提供高质量, member-led professional learning to help educators improve their professional practice, 支持学生的成功和卓越, 并与俄勒冈州的其他教育工作者建立社区.


的 2024年OEA-PAC大会 is back in-person and more exciting than ever! Join us March 8-9, 2024 in Eugene and help decide Oregon’s future political leaders:


的 俄勒冈教育协会(OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA代表大约41个,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA的会员包括有执照的教师和专家, 分类/教育支援专业人员, 社区学院教师, 退休教师, 学生成员. OEA成员也属于这三个国家.全国教育协会(NEA)会员200万.